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julian opie sara gets undressed lenticular

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Julian Opie Sara Gets Undressed Lenticular

Julian Opie is a contemporary British artist known for his unique style of digital portraiture. One of his most famous works is \”Sara Gets Undressed,\” a lenticular print that captures the essence of movement in a still image. In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of Julian Opie and his innovative techniques.

The Artist: Julian Opie

Julian Opie was born in London in 1958 and studied at Goldsmiths College, where he was influenced by conceptual art and minimalism. He gained recognition in the 1980s for his distinctive style of portraiture, which blended traditional techniques with modern technology. Opie is known for his use of bold lines, flat colors, and simplified forms, which give his work a graphic quality that is both contemporary and timeless.

Sara Gets Undressed

\”Sara Gets Undressed\” is a lenticular print created by Julian Opie in 2004. The piece features a sequence of six images showing a woman gradually removing her clothes. The lenticular printing technique creates the illusion of movement, making the figures appear to come to life as the viewer moves around the artwork. This dynamic effect adds an element of drama and suspense to the otherwise static images, blurring the line between stillness and motion.

The Lenticular Printing Technique

Lenticular printing is a process that uses specialized lenses to create the illusion of depth, motion, or transformation in a two-dimensional image. In the case of \”Sara Gets Undressed,\” the lenticular lens alternates between the six images of the woman as the viewer changes their viewing angle. This gives the artwork a sense of movement and progression, as if the figure is actually in the process of undressing. Opie’s use of lenticular printing adds a new dimension to his already dynamic style of portraiture.

The Impact of \”Sara Gets Undressed\”

\”Sara Gets Undressed\” has been widely acclaimed for its innovative use of lenticular printing and its exploration of themes of identity, voyeurism, and perception. The piece challenges the viewer to reconsider their relationship to the image, as the changing perspectives create a sense of intimacy and detachment simultaneously. Opie’s work pushes the boundaries of traditional portraiture and invites viewers to question the nature of representation in the digital age.


Julian Opie’s \”Sara Gets Undressed\” is a groundbreaking work that showcases the artist’s mastery of digital portraiture and lenticular printing. Through his innovative techniques, Opie challenges conventional notions of art and invites viewers to engage with his work in new and exciting ways. \”Sara Gets Undressed\” is a testament to Opie’s ability to blend technology and tradition, creating art that is both captivating and thought-provoking. As we continue to explore the boundaries of visual representation, Julian Opie remains a visionary artist whose work will inspire and intrigue for years to come.

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